Fixed Beam weapons continuously firing when quick Meleeing.The Multishot chance should now apply more consistently with Beam weapons.All Beam weapons now start their Damage ramp up at 20% (instead of 10%).Damage now ramps up over 0.6 seconds and after moving off target there is a delay of 0.8 seconds before it starts to decay over 2 seconds.Fixed Beam weapons not being able to damage enemies (alive but in a ragdolled state) when being affected by certain ‘crowd control’ Abilities.This weapon seems to be based on the Electric Crawler as it uses a similar lightning attack.

Synapses help form the electrical pathways of the nervous system. A Synapse is a nervous system structure that acts as a 'gate' between neurons, allowing electrical signals to be passed between nerve cells.This suggests the weapon is a living organism. The tendrils at the front end of the Synapse move, retracting and enclosing the muzzle upon holstering the rifle.Crafting the Synapse initially required 11 Mutagen Masses and 3 Forma before being announced as a mistake, reducing it down to 5 and 2 respectively.However it lacks the property of shots chaining to other enemies, making the Synapse better for single-target damage while the Amprex excels at crowd damage. Compared to the very similar Amprex, the Synapse deals significantly more damage due to its innate Corrosive damage allowing for the addition of other secondary elements.The Synapse can be sold for 7,500 Credits 7,500. The Synapse's blueprint can be researched from the Bio Lab in the dojo. Sinister Reach can be equipped to extend the maximum range.After firing stops for 0.8 seconds, the damage decays back to 20% over 2 seconds. Damage ramps up from 20% to 100% over 0.6 seconds when firing.Damage cannot be increased by Slash, Impact or Puncture mods.Innate Corrosive damage – less effective against Proto Shields.Deals 20% additional damage on headshots.Heavy Caliber's accuracy penalty is minimal on this weapon.Second highest critical multiplier of all continuous primaries, behind Basmu (Alternate fire).Highest critical chance of all continuous and automatic primaries.Innate Corrosive damage – effective against Ferrite Armor and Fossilized.The Synapse is an Infested bio-weapon that shoots a Corrosive stream.